Video Library

Below you will find a growing library of videos on The Discipleship PATH, the Steps, the Guide, and more.


The Steps

This is a playlist of the Steps of The Discipleship PATH explained.

The Discipleship PATH

This is a playlist of all of the PATH acronym unpacked.

The guide

The Sermon series

Our 10-part Discipleship PATH series from The Bridge Bible Church.

Week 1: Introduction

Week 2: Participating in God’s Story - Evangelism


Week 3: Participating in God’s Story - Service

Week 4: Aware of God’s Presence - Prayer


Week 5: Aware of God’s Presence - Formation

Week 6: Transformed by God’s Word - Scripture


Week 7: Transformed by God’s Word - Theology

Week 8: Helping God’s Family - Fellowship


Week 9: Helping God’s Family - Church

Week 10: Conclusion