WE’RE HERE to help.

Isn’t this just another form of legalism or “checklist” for my faith?

While any efforts made to grow in your faith can become legalistic, the heart of the Discipleship PATH is that this would be a beautiful partnership between the Holy Spirit’s work in us, and our obedience to follow after Jesus in new and challenging ways. So ultimately, that depends on the heart you bring to it, and who gets the credit and glory when you see spiritual fruit in your life.

where is (fill in the blank area of spiritual growth) on the PATH?

While we have attempted to simplify the areas that God might invite you to grow in, we have not named every area of obedience God might call you into as a Jesus-follower. That being said, we are confident that our P-A-T-H can encompass any area you identify.

Do I need to have a PATH Guide in order to participate in the Discipleship PATH?

Not at all! The PATH Guide is simply a tool to help you stay focused and intentional in your efforts to grow in your faith. You can do the same thing in your own life in ways that encourage your growth. Not a fan of journals or planners? Find other creative ways to remain centered on Jesus.

I don’t live in Bakersfield, but want to learn more and get a PATH Guide — how can I do that?

Reach out to us! While the Discipleship PATH was built for our local fellowship (The Bridge Bible Church), we believe that this way of approaching growing in our faith would benefit every Christian. You can email us here.

I can’t afford the PATH Guide. But I think it would help me a lot — what do I do?

You have a few options:

  1. Use the free printable pages from the PATH Guide. You can print them out, as needed, to support your growth.

  2. You can reach out to us! We desire to make this accessible to everyone, so tell us your need, and we have scholarships available to make sure you get a PATH Guide.

How do I begin a relationship with Jesus?

Before spiritual growth can occur in anyone’s life, you have to decide you want to follow Jesus and have Him direct your life. This involves:

  1. Recognizing you are a sinner (you have thoughts, words, and actions that go against God’s heart for you)

  2. Ask for forgiveness, admitting that you need a Savior, Jesus Christ.

  3. And then ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life (meaning, He gets to lead and guide every part of who you are and what you do).

Want to talk with a pastor about making that decision? Call us at 661-587-2010 or email us at path@thebridgebiblechurch.com.