sample practices for Evangelism
Here are some example practices for Evangelism:
Pick 1-5 specific non-Christians that you want to develop a deeper relationship with. Pray for them and work on those specific relationships
Learn what the Gospel is and what God did to save us
Practice sharing your testimony:
Try sharing it in 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes
Practice sharing using Gospel tracts like Romans road or the 4 spiritual laws
Share the Gospel with your neighbor, coworker, friend
Go to a public place (Riverwalk, the Marketplace, etc.) and ask people there if you can pray with them or share the Gospel
Study questions about Christianity that non-Christians might have:
“Why is there evil in the world?” “How do you know the Bible is true?” etc.
Invite a non-Christian over for dinner at your house
Get creative and find a group, recreation league, etc. that you can join to meet more non-Christians
Learn about the missionaries The Bridge supports that are taking the Gospel around the world and pray for them:
Pray for the country/people they are trying to reach
Using research people groups who have not heard the name of Jesus or does not have a Bible in their language and pray for them
Ask a missionary (or the Outreach Pastor if you don’t know any) how you can support their work