sample practices for Church
Here are some example practices for Church:
Come to church on Sunday regularly
Sign up to serve in the church
Study spiritual gifts in the Bible
Pray for God to reveal your gifts, ask other Christians what gifts they see in you, and take a spiritual gift test
Encourage the spiritual gifts you see in someone else
Devote special time in prayer to ask God about your calendar habits and what priorities you have with your time
Study the ‘body of Christ’ and the ‘family of God’ in the Bible
Take a practical step for your family to prioritize God’s family (cut out an extracurricular, end work early one night, etc.)
Devote special time in prayer to ask God about your budgeting and generosity habits
Take Financial Peace University or a similar stewarding class
Create a monthly budget to steward your finances and make room for tithing
Increase your generosity to the point you have to give up something you want